A Channeled Message from The Grand Master Timekeepers.

by | Nov 18, 2024 | Channeled | 0 comments

Aho Beautiful Souls,

Today we are sharing a channelled message from The Grand Master Timekeepers.

Today we come with a message from spirit. We open our hearts to extend this message to you and we invite you all to open your hearts to receive this message from spirit and the Great Grand Masters of Time. 

(Pause take a moment to connect with your breath and come into your heart)

The Great Masters of Time and Healing Allies have come forward to share about the Truth within you. Each person on the planet is going through a deeper remembrance and discovery of Truth. There is a calling from within the soul to remember the sacred wisdom that exists within the core of our being. Each person has a key to their own sacred memories and sacred lineage that is beginning to stir and awaken. 

There is a lot of confusion that surrounds the outer layers of the body. This is creating a form of lens or a filter that creates interpreting external Truths as a cloudiness. This cloudiness is making it difficult to truly distinguish what is oneness and what is separation. We are encouraging each one of you to go deep within yourself and remember the sacredness of life. The spirit of all exists within you. 

We see that there are some who are understanding this journey. The unravelling of time begins to unfold once there is a discovery of the Divine Truth within you. The Truth within is a thread of creation that holds the cosmic keys for illumination. Illumination is a gift from the Spirit of All to remember our ancient ways. There is a language that is within you that is from cosmic celestial origin and can be turned on through your own inward cultivation. This is a pathway of ancient discovery that has been forged within the stones of time and the celestial tapestries of the universe. 

We are asking you to perceive the deepened layers of awareness to open these internal channels of creation. This is your true gateway home as the light of the sun is rising within you. There is a new dawning of creation which is guiding us to this internal pathway of soul creation. We see through these words the light within you is remembering that there is the language of the stars, the water, and the spirit within. 

Can you see that the layers that are around you are not truly what they appear to be, they are always meant as a reflection to guide you back into this inward place where you can remember who you are. Who am I? This is the question of self discovery. Open your heart and ask yourself this question, who am I and what does my own internal pathway and language of God want to share with me about this journey into this time? How can I remember my journey from a place of no time and into the place of time. As a Grand Master Timekeeper I see the pathways as golden threads. We invite you to breathe into this golden thread and follow your inward channel of creation. 

There is a road of discovery that no one else can teach you that heals all and reveals all. You all have this gift of remembrance if you choose to go on this sacred voyage. Within your being you’ll find layers and channels of truth that begin to awaken the luminosity of spirit. Recognize the luminosity within yourself and that this light can ignite your pathway to your innermost sacred Truths. Feel within yourself a presence that is of the highest of all. Open to that sacred experience and just allow it to unfold. There is a place where the cosmic waves and oceans of wisdom begin to reveal all that is. 

How many of you are ready for the spirit journey of your sacred soul blessings? This can open the pathway to Truth of what is really important within your soul’s journey and evolution. Now if this is integrated it is activating a sacred song within you to be the beacon of light. This light is to guide your consciousness and rediscover your divine sight. Through the awakening of internal memories you begin to see, feel, and experience all that is, and a powerful deep interconnectedness to the great spirit of all. There is no separation from you and the great spirit of all. 

The opening of this message means that you are ready to heal and to stop allowing the external confusion to create your truth. You have an expression that is as pure as the creation of Source itself within you. Upon receiving this message are you receiving it in a way that your heart is speaking to you as it knows that there is Truth within you? 

You have been given the ultimate sacred gift of creation that connects you into the infinite oneness as a divine expression of Source. When we open this place together we see eachother in the oneness. When we see the same gift that is within us as the same gift that is within our Mother planet then this helps to guide and heal us on this path of remembrance. Having a sacred connection with yourself is the first part of spiritual connection. This is how we find the language to speak to all from a place of connection. 

The remedy for the current crisis in the world is to restore the sacred connection that is intertwined with all living life. These are the healing words that the spirit of all life is speaking to us right now. It is time for us to heal this disconnection and the suffering that we have brought upon the world through our own disillusionment and self-projections that are continuing the energies of harm. Now remember that you have the creational force within you, but when that creational force is in a state of disconnection or dissociation from its truthful essence of oneness it is a recipe for loss and suffering. 

I feel and see the hearts of many and they all want love and peace. They all want to know how to love themselves and share this love with another. I know this because I can see this beyond time and as a Great Time Master.  From this perspective, I see all time and no time in oneness. I see the beings that are stuck within time have created a form of disconnection from themselves and all around them. The way of healing this is to remember what is within you. If you feel emptiness within you then I encourage you to feel emptiness because there is a part of you that has forgotten the pathway of wholeness. You must find it through those void spaces. The void within you is an area you have turned away from. The emptiness that you feel within you is creating an outward projection and manifestation of the reality and experience around you. This is another way that I am explaining the confusion that is around many because they have forgotten who they are. 

Seek within and you shall find. 

Look within and you shall know.

Seek without and you are blinded. 

This is our message for all of you, from the Great Masters and Timekeepers of Spirit.

May you all journey through your golden thread of creation. May you seek the interconnection within you to your own divine truth. May the Truth within you be your own evolution to experiencing love greater than anything you could imagine: true blissful creations in oneness. Lastly, may this message be a guiding light for your heart.  

I love you. Now I must see how these words have been received. I see them as waves and ripples of light with tiny explosions of symphonies and harmonics. I see the tones that need to be heard will be played and awakened. The ones that can’t hear the music will need to find the heart song again. May you all glow with the brightness and divinity of your essence.

Infinite love and grace,

Richard & Rosalie 

Starseeds Changing the World       

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