Andromedan High Council Transmission – Ascension Report 01/16/2023

by | Jan 17, 2023 | Ascension Report, Channeled | 0 comments

Andromedan High Council Transmission – Ascension Report 01/16/2023

Beloved Starseed Families, 

We come today with a message for humanity. 

We are feeling into the energies that are present on the planet at this time. The Starseed families are moving into a new caliber of ascension waves. They are being initiated through the Solar Flares and the photonic light wave spectrum which is increasing the amount of data processing for the energetic light bodies. Through the recent wave of Solar Flares there is a deeper awakening of the Solar Light Codex held within the crystalline cells of the diamond template. The Diamond Crystal Body is processing peach plasma light and photonic waves that hold the solar codex from our Mother Lineages. 

The new influx of peach plasmic light waves that have been pouring into the planetary body is opening and unlocking the crystalline gateways and a Mother Embryo within the crystal core chamber of her body. The golden orange and peach plasma is emanating the seed of life which is bridging the Elemental Krystal Kingdoms. The flowering through the Peach and Golden Light Diamond Sun matrices are bringing the seeds for an elemental re-encryption for our light bodies to hold a deeper elemental signature. The coherence field through our elemental krystal light body is opening to a deeper connection to the Krystal Kingdoms. 

We feel the shifting on the planet. There is a birthing of new life and there is a stripping down of layers to awaken the new and anchor the higher embodiment of our crystalline light bodies and the plasma pearlescent overtones and colour hues that resonate the organic Mother harmonics and codex. This bridges the birthing and resurrection sequence for the crystalline elemental kingdoms and the connection with Mother. 

We feel many of you are feeling deeply and going through a level of detachment in your life from previous activities, engagements, responsibilities, goals, aspirations or directions that had been previously guiding your life. There is a deconstruction occurring from a previous way of being that is no longer in alignment. The plasma luminous bodies, crystal body and light quotient fields are calibrating and aligning to a new elemental codex. This holds a higher signature frequency to align to the oscillating influx of plasmas and photonic light rays that are delivering the light encodement upgrades and stabilization for the planetary and personal light bodies. 

The elemental seed that is giving life from the new energetic instruction sets are reprograming our internal core receptors to open up the DNA override and activate the Soul, Monad, and Avatar blueprinting from the Master Builder Architects which are the Diamond Elohei Races. This is activating the elemental override sequence that is to support in healing the genetic anomalies and digressive DNA templates that have been weaved and coded into the crystalline structures of the mitochondria, cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and nervous system. There will also be facia network upgrades to support the higher frequency octave elemental codex that is opening to support the physical body. 

The Earthly elemental body is initiating a resurrection or restructuring of its elemental capacity to process energies, integrate energies, and transfigure energies to bring forward a higher plasma-fication of the body systems and its ability to produce a bioenergetic zero-point Omni Love wave oscillation and liquid light secretion throughout the entire vessel. This is occurring while correctly distributing aligned and balanced neuron receptors to open up the particle layers for light synthesis and harmonic synthesis. This is an elemental upgrade for our bodies being able to receive energy through the processing of light and harmonics. This is stage one of the elemental re-encryption to support the light and harmonic synthesis as a way of re-energizing the Source energy field and bio-luminous blueprint for energetic sustainability. 

There has been an inability for the Krysted individual to be able to hold and sustain a liquid light quotient field and eternal Omni Love Presence that can be consistently held within the zero point unified space. There is a transcendent morphic field that is opening through the galactivated chakra cones and impermeable membrane fields that will begin to transduce and stabilize the auric field. This will further hold onto and emit a stabilized light wave particle and trans-luminous body that will open up the integration speeds and processing of the celestial key encodement scripting the energy ratio for the energy bodies and diamond Merkabah. This will also support a neutral zero point plasma wave field. The diamond energy upgrades are continuing to pour in through the crystalline architecture and through the planetary gate systems that are stabilizing through the universal templar and diamond sun gateways of Aurora. 

We hope you can receive this transmission with unconditional love. If you are open to receiving please open up your heart and take 3 deep breaths while giving yourself permission to receive at the level of your Krysted Avatar for the highest good.

We fully transmit this in the purity and the diamond heart god essence of unconditional love. 

With Love Always,

Richard Rosalie

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