Dear Brothers and Sisters it has been quite the journey this year, and through this solstice window we are approaching. This has been a birthing of new for many and the embodiment of the Higherself, The Cosmic Soul, and the Rainbow Consciousness. We are the Christos Sophia, We are the Keepers of the Rainbow Light and the time is now to embody this for the highest of all. If you are ready this you know exactly how powerful and transformative of time this is as you have already noticed major changes in your embodiment of light, it is a whole new world.
Rainbow Christ Consciousness
We are here we are speaking about the changes that are occurring and coming through. We are bringing in new mass photonic light frequencies. Liquid Light signatures showing the new earth frequencies too many.
We are the Christ consciousness light, the Wayshowers of the Christos Sophia consciousness and the carriers of the seed of atom. We have activated them in the rainbow DNA and in the radiant heart. We are here to show you the way and the inner journey to new earth. Freedom is here.
We are revealing this through the synchronized photonic symphonies of light. The realms of consciousness are awakening and causing a monumental shift, within the realms of the Mother Gaia and the plasma encoded light frequencies.
It’s time to embody the path of the Christos Sophia and to activate your light fully. We are on a mission to assist earth and humanity with its highest frequency resonance. It is time for you to enter into your role, We are here to take our place as a gift of LIGHT, a gift of LOVE, and gift of REMEMBERING, and taking back what was wrongfully taking, and honoring all along the process. As WE are the LIGHTKEEPERS of the RAINBOW RAYS, I activate the rainbow DNA now! I activate the RAINBOW WHITE LIGHT of the Primordial Consciousness , We are bringing the LOVE like never seen before, this is the second coming, THIS IS THE FULL EMBODIMENT OF THE AWAKENED COSMIC SOUL, this is the activation of the NEW EARTH FREEDOM, this is the RAINBOW LIGHTKEEPERS returning and taking back the earth, we are a galactic Brotherhood and Sisterhood of LOVE, this is it now it’s time to change, it’s time to be change, it’s time to activate the rainbow flame, and the rainbow plasma flame of mother Gaia, as she too is awakening, we will no longer receive anything less, than the returning to full light. We are the light of the rainbow consciousness, as it’s time to activate this fully now! We are the embodiment of Peace, Love, Divine Truth, and Hope for the Humanity.
It is time to build our community and come together ?
Richard Luminous Melchizedek