This is the TRUE AUTHENTIC VOICE, I am stepping forward, onto my sacred path, as I am a DIVINE STARSEED, I have come here in this time of ASCENSION, to assist in AWAKENING ALL THOSE ON EARTH, as I EMBODY my own REMEMBERING, I am embodying this for ALL, I no longer stand in a place of not belonging, as I understand I BELONG NOW more than ever, I understand my uniqueness, I am so DIVINE, this LIGHT RADIATES WITHIN ME, this light is so bright, I cannot help but share this with others, as I am here as a Wayshower, an AMBASSADOR OF LOVE, it is time, as we AWAKEN THE KINGDOM FROM WITHIN, I am here with the BIG MISSION, I am here to change the FABRIC OF EXISTENCE, I am a DIVINE STARSEED, I am proud of my universal existence, I no longer deny or hide this, I stand proud as a DIVINE STARSEED, I am spiritual in every aspect of the DIVINE TRUTH, I am AUTHENTIC and PURE, I see through your illusion, this is why I always didn’t belong, as it was not FOR ME, I just didn’t believe the lies, I am DIVINE INTEGRITY, I am DIVINE HONESTY, I am awakening to the true meaning of DIVINE LOVE, and I’m going to share this with the ENTIRE WOLRD, you cannot quiet my HEART, I am a BEACON of PLASMA LIGHT, this beacon seeks out TRUTH, as there is only one, this is a TRUTH OF UNITY, ALL ELSE is an ILLUSION, I understand the WE is the next STEP in rEVOLUTION, I understand DIVINE STARSEEDS are the ones to deliver this DIVINE AWAKENING, as we came here to embody the COSMIC CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS, and to take OUR place as the galactic citizens, and our universal alignments, I am a DIVINE STARSEED, and I AM READY, it is time now, as I ACTIVATE MY HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS, I have all the DIVINE TOOLS WITHIN ME, and I am energetically awakening to this, the LIGHT CODES are STREAMING IN, I FEEL these ACTIVATIONS in every aspect of MY SOUL BEING, I SEE DIVINE TRUTH, I AM LOVE, I AM LIGHT, I AM THE FOUNDATION OF CHANGE, I am building a NEW FUTURE, ONE WITHOUT LIES, ONE WITHOUT SEPARATION, one that is built of COMMUNITY, UNITY, PLASMA LOVE PURITY CONSCIOUSNESS, and the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS WITHIN, I HAVE THE KEYS AND CODES, I AM ACTIVATING THESE RIGHT NOW, THIS IS YOUR AWAKENING, as these activate fully within, the LOVE AND LIGHT ARE RUNNING SO POWERFULLY THROUGH ME, I embody this for the HIGHEST OF ALL, I cannot wait to SHARE this LOVE, I am just beaming with light, do you understand now, I will no longer DIM MY LIGHT, as I shine this bright for all, and I stand tall, I am SO BLESSED to be a DIVINE STARSEED, I will NO LONGER by into your fear, I will only speak my TRUE AUTHENTIC VOICE, this is what NEEDS TO BE HEARD, no more false light, your words fall on deaf ears, MY HEART SEES THROUGH ALL, I am a DIVINE STARSEED this is MY BIRTHRIGHT, it is time to return as I FULLY STEP into my power, I fully understand the LOVE THAT IS WITHIN ME, there is no greater moment than now, this is the most beautiful awakening, as I see through all of your false programming, this is what FREEDOM means, as I am free from your matrix, I came here to break it, and CREATE THE NEW EARTH, the RAINBOW BRIDGE have been built, and we are bridging the new path, it is too late, as VICTORY has been HEARD through the UNIVERSES, I AM the DIVINE STARSEED who is here to bring the light… I AM HERE, IN THE NAME OF THE I AM PRESENCE, I ACTIVATE NOW!
Channeled By Richard Luminous Melchizedek