10-10 Gate Activation
Dear Ones, Make time to go with in, connect, remember your perfect, and that you choose to be here!
Dear Pure Source Creator of All,
I call forward all of the Divine gifts, and sacred instruments, as I open to receive, I release all attachments to the outcomes, all limitations, as I understand ?% this is not a human experience, this is a Divine Solar Activation of Cosmic Soul, I embody this for the highest all, there is not one human limitation left within me, as I open up, I activate the Diamond Crystalline Receptors within Crystalline Celluar System, My Crystalline Light Bodies, My Crystalline DNA ? to be flooded with the highest frequencies from the Tsunami ? of Photonic Solar Light that is penetrating, activating, transmuting, and liberating the infinite potential of Divine Sovereignty and I walk into the illumination of the Crystalline Being, in the name of the I Am Presence, I Am Here, I Have Returned, I Am Awakened to Luminaries of Light, The Plasma Morphogenic Fields Are Flowing with the Frequencies of Galactic Unity Love Consciousness of Purity Liquid Divine Light, I Am Here, I Am an Ambassador of Love in every conscious and unconscious multidimensional understanding of the Return of Heaven on Earth, I Am The Cosmic Christ Consciousness for the Highest of All, I Turn on My Crystalline Body Now! So it is! So it is! So it is!
Aho ???????