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What is the Language of Light and Why Should I Experience It?

The Language of Light is the language of your Soul. As your innate language within the Universe of God/Source/Creation, it’s a vast and powerfully transformative divine language with comprehension well beyond the mind.

My guides explain the Language of Light as energy transmissions that “provide dynamic restructuring and realignment of your Light Body according to non-dualistic higher Truth and divine Light programs. Language of Light is like a divine computer code that can re-code our very nature to restore our divine blueprint. Its key-code geometries and vibrational frequencies in sound, light and color attune us to Source, unlocking hidden and latent pre-programmed blueprints for higher light functions, awareness, consciousness and ancient memories of our divine nature and heritage.”

From my point of view, it’s pure Grace bringing you exactly what you need in the moment.

“Light can be carried into the DNA in various ways, specifically through sound. Sound creates light and is the pollinator of our DNA, it activates it, and DNA responds to it. Sound enlivens your DNA….” ~ Deborah DeLisi

While Language of Light is still relatively unknown on the earth plane, it is a particularly dominant aspect of my healing and Humanity Rising ascension work. At unconscious levels, and in the heart and cells, everyone is fluent in this frequency language as it’s the primary form of communication throughout all of God’s Creation. You need not understand or feel it to be effective. It’s a very pure form of channeling, since our minds or emotionsdon’t filter the messages, frequencies and codes coming through for your healing. And because your Higher Self guides the work, according to your needs and divine timing, it’s always appropriate and perfect for you.

This divine language can only be accessed through the vibration of Love. Language of Light is the term generally used for what is also called the Language of Creation/Source/God/Love/Soul/Angels. It goes by many descriptions, but it is always a divine multidimensional communication sharing love, light, healing, and information from the higher realms of Creation. It is literally Source Light encoded with Whole-Light (non-dual) information. Holographic in nature, this transcendent language is a multidimensional quantum expression. As such, everything you need is present in the moment you receive it. You will integrate what you are ready for, leaving the rest available in your light field like a savings account to draw from when you are ready.

These key-codes open locks enabling us access to akashic records and ancient lineage held in our DNA. It can be life changing to gain insight to previous incarnations, our soul gifts and divine purpose, as well as attributes, qualities and memories of our totality. As these sound light key-codes open locks within us, we are re-calibrated to once again hold the higher consciousness energy patterns of Divine Love and Oneness. Latent divine soul blueprints and enhanced capabilities are activated as we are attuned to our Soul essence and Divine Source within and without.We will cover all the basics in how to use the Language of Light, plus you will be attuned to your own Divine Soul Language and the second class will be to practice with each other.