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We warmly welcome you all to the next stage on your ascension journey. In this series we will be focusing on Merkabah training and programming.


You may be wondering, what is a Merkabah?

Your Merkabah vehicle is your ascension vehicle which will assist you in opening to higher frequencies, interdimensional travel, and opening you to your deeper awareness of your sacred and galactic capabilities. This next phase will be a quickening for your ascension journey as you will begin to hold a higher level of frequency and stability through the Merkabah programming. Merkabah programming is being offered to you at this time to assist you during the next stages of ascension. Understanding how to work with your Merkabah will become a vital tool to hold a frequency that will hold steady and not be corrupted or influenced by outside energies.

How Does Activating and Programming My Merkabah Assist Me?

Your Merkabah creates the energetic spin fields within your energetic bio luminous fields. The way your Merkabah operates when fully activated will create a high enough spin ratio to remove all denser matter that enters. Denser matter will start to break down as soon as it comes into your field and you will continue to hold a high frequency. This will take some training, the right DNA sequencing, and key code programming to activate the Merkabah to an advanced level of operation. After completing this training, and through implementing all that you learn, you will be able to hold all that you want within your energetic frequency and tri-wave patterns. To explain this further, you will be able to hold the frequency that you choose, and you will be able to remove the frequencies that you do not wish to have within your field. This will be a 6-week online program of Merkabah training and programming. 

We hope you are as excited as we are to dive in this next series and phase of your ascension journey!

Much love and gratitude,

Jessica & Richard

Class 17: Intro to Merkabah Training and Activations

 This class is an introduction and calibration for your Merkabah vehicle. We will be working with the Guardian Christ Teams, also known as the Guardian Alliance, to bring in numerous activations for your ascension journey. We will be bringing through the following activations:

  • Star DNA Activation
  • Star DNA Galactic Lineage Activation 
  • Star Opalescent Light Code Activation 
  • Star Gene Code Activation 
  • Star DNA Subatomic Activation
  • Star Keeper Journey Rights
  • Ascension Codes for the Lions Gate Portal 
  • New Earth Ascension Codes  
  • Energy Activation for the Next Stage of Ascension 
  • DNA Template Activation for Krystallah Tones
  • DNA Source Coding Activation into Original Primal Source Fields and 5 Harmonic Universes
  • New Earth Energy Re-Patterning to Align with Universal Flow

Class 18: Operating Your Merkabah


In this class we are going to speak more on Merkabah programming, how to work with our Merkabah fields, and our Merkabah orientation. You will learn how to operate your Merkabah vehicle on your ascension journey which will assist you in holding a higher frequency resonance and to break down patterns and energies that are no longer serving you from the older timelines. In this class, we will also be guiding you through a deconstruction of old programming that exists within your energy fields and assist you in correcting your Merkabah spin ratios. Many of you have been operating and functioning with incorrect spin ratios and frequency fields within your Merkabahs. It is important to have the correct calibration within your Merkabah to access your highest conscious streams and to create an organic flow pattern within your torus fields.

Class 19: Merkabah Training & Flight Simulation


In this class we are going to take you through flight simulation within your Merkabah vehicles. Your Merkabah is your ascension vehicle designed to support you, assist you, and to take you through the upper dimensions and through the quadrants. There are infinite possibilities that you can use your Merkabah for. Once you start to learn and operate within your highest alignments and soul frequency resonance you will experience many great shifts throughout your life. You will begin journeying to places of the past, present, and future. You will be able to choose your multidimensional and remote destinations.

We will also be furthering activating your plasma body in this class as the plasma body is the best driver for your Merkabah vehicle to give you unlimited access.

Class 20: Energy Flow Merkabah Meditation


In this class we are going to work on an energy flow meditation within your Merkabah fields. It will take some time to get used to this technique. This will assist you in opening to longevity, opening your heart frequencies, and being able to navigate through this ascension cycle with an increased inner strength and higher light capacity as you will be recharging from the inside out. You will thoroughly enjoy this technique and meditation as it will bring forward much change for you within your energetic fields and within your heart. There will also be a New Earth frequency alignment coming through to assist you with bridging the infinite streams with the plasma fields of creation as we will be releasing old timelines from our Merkabah and connecting into the highest organic timeline for ascension and the New Earth energetic plasma flow.

Class 21: Merkabah Plasma Light Body Activation

In this class we will be giving you some tools to assist your body in adjusting to the incoming frequencies and energetic changes that are occurring throughout the solar system. Your body is becoming a tuning fork for your universal and internal source frequency resonance. We will be assisting you today with an integration to awaken your plasmic coding within your crystalline light body. You will feel these liquid plasma energy waves running through your cellular system on a more consistent basis. In this class we will assist each one of you with bringing your light bodies and cellular system into this plasmic frequency upgrade and you will learn another technique that will assist you in holding a higher plasmic frequency.

Class 22: Merkabah Grid Work 


In this class we will be working with your Merkabah to assist with planetary body healing, ley line, and grid work restructuring for the planet. You will learn how to use your Merkabah to transmute any lower frequency energy, such as, fear, anger, control, suffering, poverty, and despair in the area of the planet that you are living. In the second part of this class we will bring through some light codes to support you in doing this work and to assist each of you in anchoring all you have learned. We will be closing out this series by bringing through the following activations:

  • Christos Avatar Ascension Codes  
  • New Earth Ley Line Codes 
  • Golden Diamond Core Heart Activation for Earth
  • Activation of Love and Sovereignty within the heart Space 
  • Planetary Body and Christos Body Alignment 
  • Grid Keeper Activation Codes 
  • Unconditional Love Activation and Release of Trauma Code from 3D Body Environment