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Welcome to the DNA activation series within our Starseed School.

This is an 8-week course that is full of DNA activations to assist you in truly stepping into your power and the highest expression of you as a Divine Starseed. 


It is by no coincidence that you felt drawn to take this course as our DNA holds within it so much of who we are, and it carries with it a major piece of our awakening and soul journey. We invite you to take just a moment to feel the level of uniqueness that you hold as a Starseed soul. Many of you have traveled throughout the universe and have spent many different incarnations on many different planetary systems. Therefore, as you can imagine, each one of you holds DNA that is as unique and varied as all of your experiences since you were born into existence as a new soul. As such, your DNA is a cosmic solar photograph or picture of your unique soul essence. 


In this course, we will help you to come into a grander understanding of what DNA is on the highest quantum levels of science and geometry of creation. You will also begin to understand that your DNA is a true creational format of divine expression. 


Before you take this course, you may want to reflect on a few things. What is it that you want to change within your DNA? Is it that you just wish to awaken your DNA? Is it that you wish for your DNA to be working more efficiently and for your DNA to hold its highest level of communication and its true source calling? Or is it your wish to be upgraded to a higher aspect of interpretation in the physical realm of conscious existence? All of these are possible in the realm of quantum DNA. 


We invite you now to go into your heart and feel if any of this resonates with you. Do you feel a level of excitement and wonder at the thought of diving into your DNA? Do you feel a calling to begin this work and learn more about who you are on a soul and quantum level? Are you ready to dive deep and unlock your true potential and reach a new level of awakening on your ascension journey? Let your heart be your guide and witness the excitement for the transformation that awaits you. 


From our hearts to yours,


Jessica and Richard 

Class 9


We will begin the series by connecting with the Andromedan High Council to bring through a channeled message for all of you and then we will get into several DNA activations for awakening the Diamond Crystal Templates, Maji Grail codes, Holy Sources Codes, Krystic Light Codes, Golden Keys, and codes for reclaiming sovereignty.

Class 10


In this Starseed class we will begin with doing a karmic clearing of all ancestral patterns. This will be done through intention and spoken word as our light language will take you into a sacred place to repair ancestral lineages that you have come into this incarnation to repair, restore, and reclaim.

The first DNA activation we will be working within the silicate matrix to restore and repair any damage to the internal memory system and encoding to allow for higher conscious activation of the DNA restoring all fire letters and key codes for activation of the Krystic signature templates which are known as the diamond crystal Aurora template. This Aurora template holds keys for ascension and will be a major activation for all. They will be feeling this activation as it is a multi-dimensional experience. We will be bridging it through the 12 dimensions into the 5th density reality. In this quantum DNA activation, we will awaken parts of the DNA that have never been activated before.

Class 11


In this class we are going to work on the 5th and 6th strands of DNA. These strands will go into a major undertaking and recalibration for divine support as we have come into the understanding that once we have released ancestral trauma and miasma, we open the doorway to accelerate and awaken the DNA structure on a multi-dimensional and quantum level. 

In this class, we will ask you to journey into the 5th strand of DNA where it will take you into the future and you will see yourself as an awakened being. This awakened future version of you will hold the keys for you to awaken the 5th DNA strand. This will be you 200 years in the future from now and we will be transmitting from the future for this activation today. 

The 5th DNA strand holds many different attributes and aspects to it, it is known as the great awakener strand as it holds many of the codes and symbols for divine knowledge, divine knowing, and for divine cognitive repair to allow the processing of higher frequency data information to be received and understood on a cellular and energetic level. 

This DNA strand holds the keys and the knowing for who you are as a soul being. We will take a journey deep into this strand in this class to find out who you are 200 years from now. You will have support from the Councils of Light & Guardian Teams and we will be guiding you through this process once you have connected with your future self.

Class 12


In this class we are going to work within the sacred chambers of the heart as we will activate the aurora re-encryption templates for oneness. This is going to be a process of clearing out the chambers of the heart connecting the pathways and opening the Krystal river channels for this activation. This will also co-relate with activating the 8th, 9th and 10th strands of DNA. We will do a journey into the temples of the heart where this work will take place. Each one of these DNA stands holds a certain aspect of communication which ties into heart resonance. This connects with higher dimensional frequency alignments for 8th, 9th, and 10th dimensions. We are going to activate the core pieces of these DNA strands. These are the key areas that will assist you in opening your sacred heart and activating a deeper level of divine love and divine accordance.

Class 13

In this Starseed class we will go into the Sacred Heart and activate the 4 Sacred Pillars, the Diamond Rose and then activate the Holy Source Andromedan Codes of One.

We will then take you into a level of understanding that you are your DNA. You are the consciousness of your DNA. The Holy Source coding that we will activate exits within the 11th strand. You each hold unique aspects within the 11th strand of DNA depending on which Galactic Star Maps and Planets of Origin that you have come from as well as which Stargates you have come through. This will be a major activation for you.

There will be a Star Map within the 11th strand and you will journey through this Star Map into your Galactic Portal Activation of Home. This is where you will be going to see origins; the Galactic Origins of where you came from as well as how you came into this universal system. 

Class 14


In this class you will start your journey into the cosmic soul structure of DNA. We are going to be taking you into your highest level of creation to experience the sensations and the energetic experience of DNA. Our DNA is activated within our core soul being. This is part of our cosmic soul structure for us to understand DNA. In this class we invite you to think about what the purpose of DNA serves. Why do we have DNA? What does DNA mean on a quantum level? 

This is the space where we will start to activate your cosmic solar DNA structure. You have been given a unique soul signature which is a unique expression of source. This soul signature is of the highest divine intelligence which has the ability to create and manifest life as it is a direct representation of the source light of all. This is a grand view and overall of what it is to be cosmic and solar within this system of light. You are a fragmentation of source and in this moment feel that source within you as this is every aspect of you. You are Source. You are everything.

Class 15 


In this Starseed class the Guardian Founder Races come through to assist with an activation in your core quantum DNA. We have been given permission to activate your double helix strands to bring through an inner union through your sacred DNA. This DNA activation will connect you deeply into the quantum realms of your founder race DNA. The Guardian Founder Races are the original Guardians of Christ Consciousness and the keepers of the Law of One throughout the multiverse systems. We are bringing to you a truly unique quantum process in this class which will accelerate much of your ascension. This will be an opportunity to accelerate and activate your DNA to a new level of comprehension. 

Class 16


In this final class, we will be working with the phantom DNA. This DNA is also known as the junk DNA. The junk DNA has been disconnected from its true resonance. The phantom DNA takes up roughly 80-98% of the quantum DNA. We will be activating its Solar Christ Coding, Sovereign Christ activation, Diamond Krystal DNA Template, and New Earth encodements. In this class will be coming into an understanding of the Solar Christ Coding which is within the DNA and The Diamond Krystalline DNA. This is a total restoration of our true Divine Source Coding. We will begin with an activation within the high heart; within the seed atom. The seed atom is a key foundational piece for activating your DNA in the quantum realms as we bridge the high heart and the soul with the activation within this seed atom.