Aloha beloved family,
This is an activation – Ask your higher self if you are meant to receive it.
We hope you receive this transmission with an open heart and in space that is unconditionally loving and supportive for your inner alchemical union. We are about launch our upcoming Hierosgamos – New Earth Seeds Initiation on December 7th 2022. We will be taking a small private group through this sacred process. We hope you enjoy this deep transmission as a prelude to our upcoming course.
There is a deep lesson within the present moment as all is opening to unfold, to unravel, to unwind, to be given an opportunity to truly see what is opening for you. Celestial keys are being initiated and awakened from within. Within each one of us there is a deep, cosmic, and celestial wisdom of who we are. Now for each one of us to open deeper into this experience it is requiring us to find within ourselves the connection point where you are unified and open to receive yourself through the gnosis that your being is infinite, eternal, living light; God expression in the physical manifestation.
The human vessel is a container or a vehicle to hold the fractalization of Source incarnation. Through the fractalization it will lead you into Source. This is a journey of remembering what Source is from the moment of your cosmic and celestial inception you have moved into different lifetimes, timelines, holographic places and spaces into different experiences, a wide range and scope of full spectrum harmonics, sound wave currents, and manifestation cycles that now have brought you into this moment. There is in this present moment a living light transmission that will support you in opening the internal gateways. You have within you the full harmonic sound waves, color, hues, and light filaments that hold the keys to your internal gateways. The sacred temple within is awakening. It holds within it the remembrance of your celestial keys that you have been given since the beginning of time. They pre-date all time, actually. They are timeless. They are non dimensionalized and hold the true foundation of cosmic wisdom.
There is a genetic unlocking that is opening for all within the present moment. Now what is the present moment, really? The present moment is one of the greatest challenges, mysteries, or secrets that all are searching for at this time. There are many who speak about the present moment but the actualized understanding of now time is reflected through the internal alchemy of one self coming into harmony and alignment with the divine masculine and divine feminine presence within oneself. There is a state of being that awakens through inner union where the fractalization of masculine Source and feminine Source synthesize into Source consciousness awakening the remembrance of the all-one wholeness, completeness,as all is unified in its existence. Source knows its masculine expression and its feminine expression can be neither or both, or all as one unified into its harmonics, frequency, and purity. In the oneness this awakens the unified field of presence.
There is a time wave that has opened and unlocked into a state of timeless-ness. There is no longer the thought of the future or the thought of the past. In this presence we are able to simply forget about all of the information and feel deeply within the heart the celestial keys and wisdom that are present. Everything within the present moment is provided. All that is needed to be seen, heard, felt, understood, shared or not shared exists here. Through our breath we engage in a moment of timelessness, the reconnection of all things, all parts, all pieces, and consciousness is welcomed into the stillness and through the stillness it has awakened the vibrancy of the celestial heartbeat of creation. Through the celestial heartbeat it reminds us that all of this is within us, all of us have access to this, anyone can connect into what we are speaking about. There is no hierarchy in oneness or in your internal fractalized journey of source.
What is the fractalized journey of Source? Through our first conscious breath of creation we breathed in the lifetimes, the experiences, the karma, the emotions, and the Souls journey expression all within one calculated breath we have awakened and then begun the fractalization of our consciousness. With each breath becoming the birthing of our lifetimes to continue to move and experience different energetics, experiences, and re-learn our way back into Source consciousness. Remembering the oneness of source creation was the journey for us. Our consciousness chose to learn and journey back into oneness. The fractalization of our lifetimes were all working to come back together into this point of union.
How does Source remember what oneness is when it is always in union? The journey and the evolution of consciousness is to learn and embody oneness from the journey of separation, fractalization, and return into the union of all that it is. Now there are many storylines, there are many interpretations, and many cycles of creation that happen to unfold to bring all of this into existence. The focus on this is not the stories, it is the energetics, the frequencies, and the expression of remembering unity consciousness within your being. As you embark on the returning to wholeness you are opening to the unified field and finding the frequency and the vibration that is within you that expresses the union between all of your consciousness. This is a gateway bridge for human collective evolution. The key is to find this within each one of you to open to your inner union. This is the stripping down of your external reality to awaken the internal temple within you. ‘
We encourage all of you to find this within you. It is fully your eternal expression and God self that has brought you to this very moment that you are in right now. All that has manifested within your life, reality, and the matter realm is an expression of your internal alchemical union or the disharmony within you.
What do I do if I am in disharmony? Whether you are in harmony or disharmony, disharmony is just as powerful of a teacher as harmony. Disharmony is bringing to you in every moment the ability to awaken and accept the experience of your reality and to take ownership as a creational being knowing that you have manifested all of this into being. Disharmony is teaching you that there is part of your consciousness that is not in alignment and it is speaking to you in the present moment that it is ready to return and open through your internal realization. There will be an expression of trauma that may arise that holds the consciousness within it that is looking to be restored and reintegrated into the whole. Disharmony within your being is helping you to restore your consciousness internally, to remember the pieces, parts, and aspects that you have forgotten and had at one time decided was not the time to look at. You have placed these parts of yourself away. When you place parts of your consciousness away through the fragmentation of trauma, hurt, worry, fear, anxiety it creates a pattern of separation that continually manifests now within your hologram situations and lessons to help you reintegrate the part of consciousness that needs to be seen, accepted, and integrated.
Continued ignorance to the parts of yourself that are being returned by the way of lessons or stories we may be sharing to cover up the true pain of looking at oneself creates further retraumatization and fragmentation of consciousness which will now re-manifest again to bring forward a deeper lesson, experience, event, situation, or through another person, whoever the deliverer of the experience is, only to show you what you are looking for within. Disharmony is the greatest gift if you are searching to awaken yourself, to bring coherence into your being, and to remember what it is that you have chosen not to look at.
When we take accountability for our experience as 100% a reflection of our internal reality you are able to clearly see where you are on your consciousness evolutionary journey to bringing back the oneness of source within you. When we have reached this state of oneness, it just is. Now the most important understanding of oneness is that it is always here. It has never truly left. It is within you and it has always been within you. There is a part of you that has always been whole, always been complete and how we remember this is through the present moment of now. There is a doorway to reconnect, to reintegrate, and to bridge this space of emptiness into wholeness, of pain into love, and lack into abundance to unify all.
Now we feel guided to share the importance of understanding your masculine and feminine energies. We feel it is fair to say that most of you will perceive one of these exists outside of you. Whether it be your masculine or feminine you have a journey of reconnecting with that aspect of your consciousness you perceive to be outside of you. When this part of consciousness internally reconnects into Source within you and you can witness yourself as your own Mother and as your own Father then you see that nobody is truly your Mother or Father except for you as this internal creation is an infinite expression of you. This exists in everyone. If you have more feminine tendencies and a feminine energy there is a big mission within your life to find the masculine within you. Not to have it overpower your feminine but to see the father just as much as you see the mother within yourself. Through this understanding there is an internal union that occurs which creates the alchemization of the masculine and feminine. The harmonic frequency of the oneness of creation holds this oneness of God.
If you have a stronger masculine presence and tendencies than it is your mission just as much to see, witness, find and experience the mother within you. When you find the mother within you she will awaken and she will unify with the father creating the internal alchemical union with source.
Now many of us have perceived our mothers and fathers outside of us. The beings and souls that have played these roles were always meant to share the reflection of what it is you are searching for within. Just as the reflection of the child is the awakening of the inner union within, it is the rebirthing of your krysted spirit that holds the present moment in union. This is the point where you have remembered how to come back into inner union.
To further explain why we call this the child, this is because the masculine and feminine have come together to give life in alchemical union. This is the re-birth and remembering of the krysted spirit, wholeness, completeness, and completely unified. Most children hold the krysted spirit and a union between their divine feminine and masculine aspects until the age of 4 or 5. This is similar to when the masculine and feminine come into union within yourself. The spirit carries both the masculine and the feminine into synthesis, where it is not one or the other but it is unified in its expression. It can express masculine or feminine at times but it comes more from the state of being. There is a surrender into the beingness showing up in the present moment. It is the soul purpose. It is the soul calling. It is the healing. It is the principle of creation that is unfolding through the energetic presence of the now moment.
We are all searching to find within the present moment of now. This is the internal gateways that connect us in and to and through the celestial temples, the inner sanctum, and the holy of the holies the true union with our krysted avatar, the birthing of the avatar within. Now each individualized expression of Source has journeyed through a celestial pathway to remember the union of their being. We are birthing unity consciousness. This is the pathway of unity consciousness. The field is held within the zero time space where all is able to greet each other and welcome it warmly into the whole. “I open my heart into the unified zero point field where I greet myself and all aspects of my consciousness that have taken the fractalized journey from source into its pure diamond ray spectrum, harmonics, and oscillating tones, that make up the Mother and the Father that is within me.”
I give myself permission to receive all that I am. I no longer fear the unknown of my consciousness as it is part of the whole. I feel the unity that occurs when all of myself returns into the moment. I unify the shield of my consciousness throughout my lifetimes to bring harmony, to bring coherence and cohesion and to restore the balance of creation. I deeply feel the innate chemistry awakening as my celestial pathway from source is illuminating the intricate layers from the fractalization of Mother to the fractalization of Father to the reunion of the sacred alchemical marriage where they come together as one. I decree that I remember source. I remember wholeness, oneness, and the infinite expression of my celestial birth. I am always birthing within the present moment of now. This is the gateway window to god. It is the stairway of divine humanity. Ascended consciousness is here.
All of you have come here today to experience a remembrance, to take a moment outside of time where there is a stillness, a nothingness, and in the same moment, everything is alive and birthing all of creation. We have an opening within the field right now to remove separation, to let go of the old that you have been holding onto and to awaken the whole of all that you are.
What am I to do now within this moment? In this moment you are here to be, see, feel, and experience the inner reality awakening the inner realms, the inner worlds, the internal reality that far superseeds and outgrows all that is outside of you. There is an infinite expansion for you if you enter this place here.
What are the celestial keys? The celestial keys that come forward at our time of connection are to support you in activating consciousness that may lay dormant or requires a reconnection. It is a part of you that needs a source energetic transmission to awaken. A key into the keyhole will open the door. The keys come in at specific times to open the door that had been closed.
Today we have a celestial key for activating your god seed code.
What is the God Seed Code? The God Seed Code is an energetic spark of creation. It is the original seed blueprint spark of your creation. This seed holds and houses an immense light frequency and resonance. It carries sound, light, and energy into full momentum, an evolutionary jump. From seed into blooming. From blooming into breathing. From breathing into energetic vibration and resonance and energetic vibration and resonance into frequency, harmonics, and bandwidths. As evolution is unfolding and spiralizing throughout time. We bring forward this celestial key now for all who are ready and wish to receive this, knowing that this key is already inside of you.
We open the celestial key of the god seed now.
All is love and expanded into its full harmonics. The full light wave and colour hue spectrum. Breathe into your consciousness and feel the opening and unfolding, long slow drawn out breaths of creation unfolding within you. Continue to breathe into this stream of consciousness, within the silence of your being feel what is coming alive. Through the unspoken hear the language that is awakening. Through your internal reality breathe all into illumination. Open to the feelings of omni love throughout you, saying goodbye to all feelings of distrust. Surrendering inwards into the faithfull goodness of the liquid eternal light. The luminosity is growing within. Give yourself permission to bloom and to breathe.
Now we ask for each one of you to take a moment of silence, to go into your experience, to bring the moment of presence, the golden gift of creation. We will hold space for you while you journey with some much love around you.
Beloved family, we have begun a sacred journey today. This is the oneness within you that is awakening. May you fully bloom the lotuses of creation. May you anchor your garden of light. May you discover the celestial garden and playground of creation that you hold and house within you.
As we fully anchor this into beingness now.
I love you, I love you, I love you.
We love you, we love you, we love you.
We love you all so much, we love you all so much, we love you all so much.
We love all of ourselves so much. We love all of ourselves so much. We love all of ourselves so much.
With Love,
Rosalie & Richard