This is a channeled prayer for releasing distortions.
Dear SOURCE CREATOR of all, I call forth the Divine plasma purification of light to create a safe, and sacred container of light, surrounding me to the north-south-east- west above and below, as this Divine pure source of plasma light consciousness washes throughout all of my frequencies, removing all distortions that are not aligned with my highest purpose, highest mission, highest path, false light cannot exist with in this plasma liquid consciousness, it is all released from all aspects of my being, all aspects of my consciousness, all aspects of my morphogenic fields , the light washes away all distortions in the most appropriate way, transmuting all, the plasma light opens the pure source frequencies, source light, source love to radiate throughout me as I am freeing my body, mind, and soul, of all distortions, all entities, all implants, all seals, all tags, all incarnate souls, all attachments, and cords, as I return to my pure light, I am a divine being, calling back all of my energy, all of my power, all of my soul fragments, with 100% purity of its original Divine form, as I allow the plasma light to assist me in aligning this In the most pure Divine intelligence, Divine Love as they all shift now! The love purity plasma light cleanses and washes all now! I am stepping into my Divinity as a sovereign being, standing fully present in my energy, healing and sealing all exits and entrances with the plasma light, perfectly harmonizing my energetic fields to the most appropriate balance of the Divine masculine, Divine feminine energies, firmly rooted in Gaia, and vertically connected to source, with my heart being the beacon of connection, as I have released all that no longer serves me, and I step forward into my highest mission, I step forward into my path of love, I honour myself, I honour my journey, I honour the DIVINE source and express my gratitude in the most sincere way now!
Thank you for this plasma Light alignment, so it is! so it is! so it is!
By Richard Luminous Melchizedek